April Diamond Birthstone
If you’ve ever wondered, “What is the birthstone for April?” rest assured that you are not alone. The April birthstone is a diamond—one of the most stunning, exclusive, and sought-after gemstones in the world. If you were born in April or love someone with an April birthday, you may have found yourself searching for jewelry that features the April birthstone. Roman Malakov is here to help! We have an endless selection of diamond jewelry and would love to help you select a new piece for the April baby in your life.
April Birthstone: Diamond
One of the greatest things about diamonds is their beauty. They are unmatched when it comes to sparkle and fire, and they are a gemstone that everyone adores and desires. Because they are extremely versatile and popular, there is absolutely a perfectly-suited piece of April birthstone jewelry for everyone.
Diamonds may be small or large, and they can be cut in a number of different ways. An April birthstone ring, for example, may have several small, pavé-set diamonds, baguette and round diamonds in alternating sizes, or just a few larger, cushion-cut diamonds. This makes it easy to find a customized piece of jewelry with diamonds that are perfectly suited to your personal taste and style.
The typical April birthstone color is the traditional white or colorless options that we commonly see in diamonds. However, diamonds are naturally found in many other colors as well, making them even more interesting and exciting to both purchase and wear. Diamonds can be pink, purple, red, blue, green, orange, brown, black, or gray. The April birthstone color may also be a combination of these colors, such as a purplish-pink, a yellowish-orange, or a greenish-blue. Next time you find yourself asking, “What is the birthstone for April?” remember that while the stone is a diamond, birthstone jewelry is not limited to white or colorless diamonds.
Diamond Gemstone
Diamonds are the strongest gemstone there is, and their name actually comes from the Greek word that means unbreakable or invincible. They are representative of both strength and clarity, as well as beauty, longevity, and healing. Just as the diamond ring has become a symbol of engagement, it is also commonly given as a 60th and 75th wedding anniversary gift.
Common April birthstone gifts include a variety of jewelry options, but your choices are nearly endless for those with April birthdays due to the availability and versatility of diamond jewelry. Diamond studs may be the perfect gift for a young professional, while a pair of chandelier diamond earrings may be more suited for someone who regularly attends galas, fundraising events, and other corporate events.
For an April birthstone necklace, you may want a delicate line necklace with bezel-set diamonds all across it or you might prefer a diamond pendant necklace. We have a number of gorgeous diamond bracelets, including bangles and tennis bracelets that are sure to delight anyone with an April birthday.
Our incredible selection of diamond rings includes far more than just engagement rings and wedding bands. We have several cocktail rings and right-hand rings that feature diamonds in various sizes, shapes, and colors. An April birthstone ring is a great idea for someone who has a lot of jewelry already or who wants to take their everyday jewelry to the next level.
Shop Birthstone Jewelry at Roman Malakov
When you want a gift featuring a diamond, April birthstone jewelry at Roman Malakov is the answer. Our selection of diamond jewelry is incredibly vast and includes things like April birthstone necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, and more. Our passionate and knowledgeable staff would love to show you some options and help you pick the best diamond jewelry for that special someone with an April birthday. Come visit one of our NYC locations on 5th Avenue or in the Diamond District, or contact us today to learn more about our selection and ask any questions you may have. You can also shop online at any time.